Peacock Mantis Shrimp
The Peacock Mantis Shrimp (Odontodactylus scyllarus) is best kept in a special tank or in a display refugium because they are aggressive predators. They use their club like appendages called "Dactyl Clubs" to smash their prey. Their punch is faster than the speed of sound, and as a result these small shrimp hit so hard they are able to break clam shells with their punch, and can break human skin. They are also capable of breaking a glass aquarium. We recommend they be kept in acrylic, fiberglass or plastic stock tanks to reduce the risk of tank breakage.
These interesting creatures have better eye sight than humans, capable of seeing with 12 color cone photoreceptors, rather than the 3 channels humans see with. (Some scientists think the Mantis Shrimp may have 16 photoreceptors). They can also detect UV light that is invisible to humans. Scientists have studied their vision for years, leading to advances in optical equipment and telescopes. Of all the species of Mantis shrimp the Peacock Mantis is the most colorful, sporting almost every color visible to humans, and likely a few that our brains simplify.